
#005 - Time to ride : unCOMMON:Arctic

#005 - Time to ride : unCOMMON:Arctic

July 16th. The day we started cycling all of Iceland. 

The plan was simple: prepare everything the night before, wake up bright and early, grab a quick breakfast and start riding out of Reykjavik towards north.
Of course, almost none of it happened.
We woke up way too late, took way too long to shower and get all of our stuff together, got lost on our way to get coffee, came back to Nanna's apartment only to find out she had prepared the BESTEST breakfast of all time, took our sweet time eating our bodyweight in salmon and skyr and ONLY THEN, we left. 
It was 2 pm already. Classic.

#004 - Hello Reykjavik : unCOMMON:Arctic

#004 - Hello Reykjavik : unCOMMON:Arctic

And BOOM, just like that, we had left Svalbard and all its polar bears behind, and jumped on a plane towards Iceland, for the much anticipated two wheeled part of our project. Cycling all of Iceland on our trusted Cinelli Hobootleg Geo bikes. 

But first : a little stop over in Oslo. And with little, I mean SIXTEEN HOURS.