
#13 : Our land, Hokkaido. From Hakodate to Cape Soya, the end of our adventure.

After a handful of hours on the ferry, along with our new traveling companions met in Aomori, we heard a voice coming out of the speakers : “We’re about to land in Hakodate, prepare yourself to leave the ferry” 

Woah! We were both speechless for a second there. We had just made our way back to Hokkaido, where the both of us had lived for 2 years each. But this time, we had arrived on our own forces, and on a bike! 

#12 : Niigata, Akita, Aomori. The long rides.

Arriving to Niigata came with a real lot of excitement: we had finally made it to the other side of Japan, crossed the Japanese alps and we were damn ready to enjoy the city for a couple of rest days. Too bad, thought, that all of that enthusiasm hit a brick wall straight away: long story short, there’s nothing to do in Niigata. NOTHING at all. 

We reached the centre of the city around sunset and we went through our usual we-made-it-back-to-civilization routine : hot springs, coin laundry, food and looking for a place to pitch the tent. It was pissing rain, it was late, it’s was dark. As in : real dark. So we just decided to completely rely on google maps and blindly followed a strangely curvy road until we found a square literally the size of our tend under a tree, and stopped there, completely disregarding the fact that there was a peacock in a cage, literally a few steps form us. 

#09 : All roads lead to Tokyo...

#09 : All roads lead to Tokyo...

In Italy we say that “all the street lead to Rome”. If that’s true, than we can say all the streets lead to Tokyo, in this part of the world. 

Right after leaving Nagoya, we started traveling towards Omaezaki, where another of our university ex-classmate was waiting for us. 

#08: More big cities : Kyoto & Nagoya.

#08: More big cities : Kyoto & Nagoya.

Kyoto, at last! 

Prior to getting to Kyoto, we got a big surprise: Chiara, Federica and Orsola (three former university classmates of ours) got in touch with us and invited us to crash at their place for a night. And who the hell are we to refuse such a thing!? As soon as we arrived there, we threw our sleeping bags on the floor, took a quick shower and went together for a night out in town, eating, drinking and most importantly, reminiscing big time! 

#06 : First the desert, then the snow. Onomichi, Tottori and the mountains.

#06 : First the desert, then the snow. Onomichi, Tottori and the mountains.

Right after finishing the Shimanami Kaidō, Japan's longest bicycle route, we reached the little town of Onomichi. Now, it might be little and pretty ignored by most touristic guides but believe me, it's beautiful. Clean, colorful, interesting and filled with smiling people. You can't ask for more from a city!